Since 1988, Eating for Your Health has existed because of the energy and commitment of our dedicated founder, board members, staff and volunteers and the financial support of generous sponsors and donors. When you donate to us, you can have confidence that your money will be used for the purpose intended: helping to prevent and reduce the risk of chronic disease by educating people about Eating for Your Health in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
Sponsorship Levels - Sponsors will be recognized on our website and on program materials when in support of a specific program or organization.
For more information about sponsorship packages, please email
- Platinum Sponsor - $5,000
- Gold Sponsor - $2,500
- Silver Sponsor - $1,500
- Bronze Sponsor - $1000
- Partner Sponsor - $500
- Friend Sponsor - $250
When you donate at any one of the above levels you will be recognized as a Sponsor of Eating for Your Health Programs.
Over the past three years, the organization and been reimagined to serve an greater number of eaters. We’ve helped hundreds of people learn how to eat to support their health. What’s different about our programs is that we don’t tell people what to or not to eat because we understand that every person and every body is unique. There is no one size fits all approach to managing food. We hope that, through our many programs and offerings, we can teach people to eat holistically and emphasize cooking with and eating whole fresh ingredients.
Here is a partial list of our Community Partners and fellow nonprofit organizations: The Breast Cancer Resource Center (Princeton YWCA), Dress for Success of Central NJ, The Father Center, HomeWorks Trenton, Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church, Mercer County Library System, Millhill Child & Family Development, Princeton Public Library, Princeton Public Schools, West Windsor Arts Council, West Windsor and Trenton Farmer’s Markets, Westminster Presbyterian & Bethany House.