You don’t have to cover all these points; it’s up to you. Feel comfortable writing in your own style as long as you include the basic elements. The "New to Suppers? Here's What You Need to Know" link must be included at the end of all of your email invitations.
Subject Line: Suppers: RSVP for Jane’s Vegan Monday Lunch on December 14, 2015
Greetings Suppers! Please RSVP by Saturday noontime and let me know if you can come to Jane’s Vegan Monday Lunch on Monday, December 14 at 11:30am.
Here is the menu:
Kale salad with tahini dressing
Beans, chard and butternut squash stew
Steamed brown rice
Fig and almond, raw vegan dessert balls rolled in coconut flakes
Discussion: Our discussion theme is "How You Feel is Data!" Click here if you would like to read this White Paper before the meeting.
When you RSVP, please let me know if you are coming at 11:30 for prep or staying to clean up by 1:30.
The menu is not flexible; if you see anything here you can’t have, that’s fine but we don’t make substitutions. (Or, alternatively, you could say: Let me know if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. We can try to leave some items on the side, or you can bring your own salad dressing, etc.)
Minimum cost:
$9-11. Please bring small bills.
We buy the right amount of food for the number of people coming. If you RSVP and don’t come, please send $9 to Jane at ___________.
A few disclosures (if necessary):
- Cats live in our home so ...
- This menu is gluten free, but my kitchen is not. Please plan accordingly.
I look forward to hearing back from you about the 14th.
PS: The date of my next meeting will be Monday, January 11, 2016.