This gluten-free lasagna is comfort-food at its best! Healthy and soothing.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare the "noodles." Peel and cut squash into thin "lasanga" noodles. We've used a mandolin to do this. Remove the bulb with the seeds and slicing the body lengthwise into strips is easiest. If you have a spiralizer it can be easier, faster, and probably much safer. Slice the squash halfway to the center vertically (perpendicular to the direciton of the spiralizer blade). With each turn of the handle you'll produce a thin disk of squash. With patience, a knife also works. Just like a broken lasagna noodle, it's okay if there are small pieces. Just cover the surface as if a puzzle. When baked, no on will know the difference!
Prepare the "cheese." Beat the eggs. Add the ricotta and Romano cheeses.
Prepare the "sauce." Blend the pumpkin puree with the nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon.
Prepare the "stuffing." Strip the chard or kale leaves from the stems. Dice the stems finely. Chop the leaves roughly. Warm olive oil in a large pot. Add the onions and wilt. When the onion softens (2 -3 minutes), add the stems and cook until soft (about 5 minutes). Add the leaves last and wilt. Turn off the heat and cover.
Assemble the lasagna. Use a towel to spread a thin layer of olive oil on the bottom and sides of a lasagna pan. Using one third of the squash, create a single layer of "noodles.' Cover with half of the pumpkin pure. Layer with half of the kale/chard. Layer with half of the cheese mixture. Repeat, ending with a layer of noodles. Top with sliced mozzarella.
Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes to an hour. Uncover and bake for 15 to 20 minutes more. (Recipe #656)