Karen Flicker, MS, L.Ac.

Ms. Flicker has been an acupuncturist since 2001, specializing in musculoskeletal disorders, pain management, and oncology support. She developed the acupuncture program for Princeton Medical Center in 2002 where she integrated acupuncture into four outpatient rehabilitation sites. Ms. Flicker additionally served as team acupuncturist from 2003-2006 for the Trenton Titans professional ice hockey team.

Combining the best of western and eastern philosophies for maximizing health, Ms. Flicker takes a balanced view of the healing process. Her greatest joy is in taking time to get to know her patients so that  treatments can be customized for the greatest efficacy. Her experience working as an orthopedic and neurologic rehabilitation therapist starting in 1981 enables her to assess and treat health conditions in a multi-modal fashion. She believes in empowering her patients to take part in their own healing process, and to that end, she instructs patients in self-help strategies and provides counseling in ways to improve health using things such as homeopathy, diet and supplements.

Ms. Flicker utilizes Reiki and Quantum Touch, energy healing techniques which help potentiate her acupuncture sessions, and also uses low level laser, a no-needle type of acupuncture which is effective for many pain conditions. She enjoys blogging about acupuncture on her web site and on Facebook, and also enjoys sharing information about alternative medicine via community talks. In fact, see Ms. Flicker interviewed on the Geeta Chopra Show!

"The Suppers Programs is yet another way to empower people to take charge of their health. People struggling with health issues really benefit from the sense of community and from the real dietary strategies that are espoused in the program. I highly recommend it to many patients."
