Book Review

Food Fight: The Inside Story of The Food Industry, America's Obesity Crisis, and What We Can Do About It

For a workable, affordable plan to improve and safeguard your own and your family’s health, Food Fight is an indispensable reference. Dr. Kelly Brownell, Yale professor and world renowned nutrition expert, provides an in-depth analysis of a culture that provides a healthier diet to its pets than to its children. Dr. Brownell takes a close look at the obesity epidemic and the toll it is taking on the nation’s health and productivity. He also provides simple, no nonsense advice on how to improve diet and incorporate daily exercise into our busy lives.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a book, a program, and a language of compassion. It helps people change their habitual responses, particularly in situations involving conflict, in a way that honors everyone’s basic human needs. The starting assumption is that underlying all of our actions are needs that we seek to meet. Entering our communications with this in mind gives rise to more compassionate and ultimately more effective exchanges.

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet

The mother of a child diagnosed with “incurable” ulcerative colitis, Elaine Gottschall, offers us an easy-to-read book on reversing colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac that has not responded to a gluten free diet, diverticulitis and other diet-related digestive ailments. Based on the earlier work of Sidney V. and Merrill P. Haas, the book describes the so called “specific carbohydrate diet”.

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health

Wheat Belly is written by William Davis, MD, whose personal journey started with his consternation over his own unwanted spare tire. As his message is compatible with the starting assumptions of Suppers (that certain processed foods are inherently addictive), it seems like a good book to share with members. 

Davis notes, “I could just as easily have called this condition pretzel brain or bagel bowel or biscuit face since there is not an organ system unaffected by wheat."

The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children

The Crazy Makers, by certified clinical nutritionist Carol Simontacchi, details how the food industries that sell us nutrient depleted, artificially flavored, over processed foods such as white, fibreless breads, sugar-filled cereals and soda are destroying our bodies and our minds. The premise of the book: The food industry has evolved in such a way that what is marketed today as food is in fact so highly processed and additive laced, it should be considered “antifood”.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, ADD, Dyslexia, ADHD, Depression, Schizophrenia

When dealing with ADHD, learning disorders and autism, how many of us focus on the connection between our gut flora, what we eat, and our mental state? Natasha Campbell-McBride, a British pediatrician and mother of an autistic child, explains how current methods of food production, medicines and modern lifestyles have created a dangerous imbalance of the intestinal bacteria that promote good health and those that cause illness. Dr.

Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders

In his book, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Dr. Kenneth Bock and Cameron Stauth address the 4-A disorders: autism, asthma, ADHD and allergies. It is Dr. Bock’s belief that these conditions are connected and can be successfully treated. Dr. Bock and his colleagues have discovered that nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, modern toxins, genetic vulnerabilities and assaults on the gastrointestinal and immune systems can bring about most of the symptoms of 4-A disorders. Based on years of clinical success and medical research, Dr.


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